
Experience FeedbackChimp in Action

Explore how FeedbackChimp’s tools for feedback management, roadmaps, and updates can transform your product development process.

Feedback management & bug reports

Capture and discuss product ideas with users through our feedback boards and in-app widgets.

Feedback board

Create a community where users can request, vote, and comment on features or ideas.

Public roadmap
Custom domain

In-app feedback widget

Collect feedback and bug reports directly within your app using an embeddable widget with screenshot capabilities.

Screenshot tool
In-app feedback widget

Changelog & product updates

Keep users informed and boost feature adoption with changelogs and email notifications.

Changelog widget & popup

Showcase new updates directly within your product with an embeddable changelog dropdown and popup.

Auto-open on new updates
On-brand design
Changelog widget & popup

Public changelog page

A standalone changelog page, showing all your product updates. Easily customizable & sharable.

Custom domain

Changelog emails

Automatically send email notifications to users alongside changelog updates.

Import subscribers
FeedbackChimp provides everything you need to engage users and deliver what they want.

Start Building Products Your Users Will Love

  • No credit card required
  • It's 100% free